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Dear candidates, in this basic diving course, you will learn how to dive safely and securely and the importance of loving and protecting the underwater environment.

Fill in the form to register for the course.


Dear candidates, in this basic diving course, you will learn how to dive safely and securely and the importance of loving and protecting the underwater environment. At the end of this course, you will receive a worldwide recognized CMAS One-star diver certificate by TSSF. You will have sufficient theoretic background, will be able to properly put on and take off diving equipment, use it properly to dive in shallow waters, and practice your dive skills easily.

This course is divided on theoretical and practical part:

Theoretical part

Theoretical part is carried out in a classroom environment or online as one block of 8-10 hours.

In the theoretical part, you will learn about the underwater communication signals, how to put on your diving equipment, techniques to enter the water, what to pay attention to when breathing, how to use buoyancy balancer equipment, how to take the regulator for breathing out of your mouth and place it back, how to share air with your fellow divers, how to remove the water that has collected in your mask and how to place it back underwater, how to use your fins more efficiently, how to take off and re-fit your diving gear and weight belt above water and underwater, some basic first aid and rescue skills, on what to pay attention to in the dive boat, and how to take care for yourself and the environment underwater.

Practical Part

  • You will have five one-on-one training dives with your dive instructor.
  • When candidates fulfill the training requirements they are entitled to receive the CMAS One-star diver by TSSF badge.
  • With this badge, you will be able to dive to the deep of 18 meters with an instructor or Three-star divers anywhere in the world.

Requirements to attend the course

  • Having no health condition which would prevent you from using the diving equipment,
  • Signing a declaration prepared by the TSSF is required. This is a statement confirming you are healthy and you do not have health conditions that would prevent you from diving with the equipment,
  • Ability to swim,
  • Must be at least 14 years old.


With this course, you will take your passion for diving to a higher level. You will upgrade your existing diving knowledge with more skills.

Three-star diver course was designed in a way to provide you with the knowledge of leading the group at every stage of diving.

There are many specialty programs available at every certificate level for those divers who are looking to expand their underwater experience.

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